A Official Carpooling Service in Dubai

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Carpooling is a great way to save money and be environmentally responsible while getting from one place to another in a car.  Officially, however, the practice was illegal in Dubai, with participating motorists often being issued large citations for running illegal taxi services.  In 2008, the Dubai government rolled out a new service that would allow people to safely and legally carpool, so only the people who are actually operating illegal taxis will end up getting fined..  This service is accessible online and goes by the name: Sharekni.  This service was created to allow people who meant well to carpool and reduce pollution and help alleviate some of the excessive traffic on Dubai’s roads.  After all, Dubai has “the highest rate of car ownership in the world.”   According to Eisa Al Hashimi, Dubai’s director of planning in business development at the public transport agency, “The Sharekni programme helps ease traffic congestion… reducing psychological and physical stress resulting from traffic congestion.”

To participate, motorists with vehicles must first be issued a pass to allow them to carry carpoolers.  This seems daunting at first, but these passes are completely free and are available after a short online application process.  Prospective passengers can also register to help them find people with vehicles.  As of 2013, there were 1725 registered participants in the program, but the number will likely continue to grow as more people become aware of its benefits.

Recent improvements have also been made to this system.  In order to prevent unreliable or undesirable motorists and passengers from abusing the system, users are able to rate each other and file complaints.  When a person reaches enough negative reviews (perhaps for showing up late too many times), they can then be blacklisted from the system and will no longer be allowed to participate.  A new geographical location system has been created too, to help carpoolers find each other.  It is being improved constantly, but already has many locations programmed, including government institutions, hospital, landmarks, and hotels.  There is also talk of creating special carpool-only lanes that will allow people who carpool to reach their destinations even faster, creating an incentive for people to register and use the program.

With the many potential benefits, both financial and environmental, the Sharekni program will be a very positive asset to the people of Dubai in the future.  Any option to reduce traffic in such a congested area will be greatly appreciated.

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