People Throwing Themselves on Cars

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There many opportunities of making money in the world today that take advantage of the advancement in technology which can be either legal or illegal. A lot of fraud which is illegal is done on internet especially people who do online transaction like online car purchase where one has to wire money from his account to another company’s account. Such business transactions are common in Dubai/Car-Acquisition where a buyer doesn’t need to travel to a Germany to buy a Mercedes Benz, he/she just orders and pays for it online to be delivered at his home address.

Surprisingly, a new act by con artists jumping in front of cars and faking injuries for insurance money has spread out rapidly. Every car driven on road legally ought to pay insurance to cater for the car and people that may be affected by an accident. Con artists usually take advantage of the insurance ‘free’ money by faking accidents caused by cars. However, their days of grace just elapsed due to the deployment of video cameras along the streets.

This has really exposed the con artists desperate ways of making money. This has helped police and drivers sue the con artists for any damages that may be caused during their fraud acts. Damages on the car decrease the Car-Valuation tampering with the car body, internal parts, shape and general external appearance which brings about the reduction in the car price on the Used-Cars market.

The insurance scams are very common in New York City which is densely populated with over millions of people too desperate to find an easy source of money. In Some situations people are caught on video camera along the roads trying to fake injuries in order to be compensated and treated using the insurance money. Such videos are used as evidence in case of a law suit in court of law.

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