Road Deaths Decrease in Sharjah during the First Half of 2018

Road Deaths Decrease in Sharjah during the First Half of 2018

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Road deaths in Sharjah decreased considerably during the first half of 2018 as compared to the same period of 2017. The decrease in the number of road deaths is a positive outcome of improved traffic monitoring and increased patrolling of major roads by Sharjah Police. The road deaths recorded in the first six months of 2018 involved both motorists and pedestrians and authorities have identified reckless driving behavior of motorists to be the major reason behind road deaths.

Important Road Safety Stats for the First Half of 2018

The road safety situation in Sharjah has improved considerably during the first half of 2018. According to the road safety stats revealed by Sharjah Police, the number of road deaths reduced from 61 deaths recorded during the first six months of 2017 to 41 deaths recorded during the same period of 2018. During the first half of last year, 16 Pakistanis, 12 Indians and three Bangladeshis were amongst the expatriates who were killed in road accidents.

In 2018, 10 Indians, 7 Pakistanis and 3 Bangladeshis were killed in road accidents, which made for most of the road deaths recorded during the first six months. Apart from road deaths, 4 Pakistanis, 4 Bangladeshis and 3 Indians also received serious injuries in the road accidents recorded during this period. Authorities revealed that the number of road accidents also decreased from 461 in 2017 to 277 in 2018 if we compare the first six months of both years.

Also read: Dangerous Traffic Violations Decrease in Sharjah in 2017

How have Authorities improved the Road Safety Situation in Sharjah?

Sharjah Police has intensified its efforts to improve the road safety situation in the emirate. To achieve positive results, authorities have made their road safety awareness campaigns more goal-oriented, which has helped them in focusing on particular segments of society more effectively such as expatriates and young drivers. Authorities have regularly organized road safety awareness lectures at educational institutes including schools, colleges and universities to make young drivers more aware of safe driving protocols and traffic rules.

In addition to these awareness campaigns, authorities have also modernized their traffic monitoring approach and included advanced monitoring devices to their arsenal for better results. This important development has boosted traffic authorities’ abilities to nab down traffic offenders more effectively and urge motorists to avoid traffic violations.

Also read: New Radars to be installed on Sharjah Roads to Catch Tailgaters and Speeding Motorists

Official Statement about the Road Safety Situation in Sharjah

Lieutenant-Colonel Mohammad Alai, Director of the Traffic and Patrol Department, said that Sharjah Police analyzes traffic data recorded with the help of advanced traffic monitoring devices, which helps them in identifying the major traffic problems of the emirate. He said that the decrease in road deaths during the first half of 2018 attributes to the improved capabilities of Sharjah Police to identify reasons behind road deaths in the emirate and take necessary actions to raise road safety standards. He said that authorities had identified few major roads to be more prone to accidents involving deaths and intensified patrolling of these roads to improve safety for all commuters. These roads included Al Dhaid Road, Maliha Road, Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Road, Emirates Road and Al Ittihad Road.

He mentioned that authorities have launched multiple awareness programmes to build awareness of road safety amongst motorists, particularly the young drivers who have limited experience of driving in challenging road situations. He added that there was plenty of room for improvement in the road safety situation and despite better road safety stats in comparison to last year, authorities will continue to take well-coordinated initiatives to further reduce the number of road deaths in the emirate.

Also read: Traffic Violations with Maximum Fines in the UAE


Road safety situation is getting better by the day, not only in Sharjah, but also across other emirates of the country. The tougher stance of authorities against traffic offenders and their impressive planning to overcome traffic problems has improved the road safety situation considerably as compared to last year. Motorists should also realize their responsibilities now and avoid dangerous traffic violations so that the road safety situation can further improve in the coming months of 2018 and beyond.

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