Road safety in Egypt and Middle East countries

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Road Safety is a very somber problem in Egypt and the Middle East countries. The crash statistics and road mortalities in Egypt are in the middle of the highest, if not the uppermost worldwide. Egypt Today Magazine started sequences of reports of this very significant issue and interrogated Auto Arabic’s editor Mohamed Sheta for that reason.

Mohamed Sheta is not only a documented and well-known jury-member in numerous international well-known automotive awards in Europe, the USA and the Middle East but he is also a well-known and enthusiastic Road Security activist. His almost 20-years-long knowledge in the motorized and motorsport field gives him all the essential knowledge and understanding to be able to subsidize efficiently and efficiently to the rise of radio and public mindfulness about the much-needed road safety on Egyptian and Middle Eastern roads.
Unfortunately everyone is to blame, including the government, the public, the private sector, the NGOs, the automotive and automotive-related companies, the Automobile Club, the Motorsport Federation, and last but not least both the specialized as well as the general-interest media.

The Egyptian government has been doing a very average job. As we all surely have noticed, the Egyptian government had been, and after 25th of January 2011 still is quite overstrained with this very sophisticated and wide-reaching road safety issue.

The road safety issue is a very complex issue, which needs a very close cooperation between several ministries within the government, namely the Ministry of Industry and its Egyptian Organization for Standardization E.O.S., the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Tourism and last but not least the Ministry of Finance.
They should establish and manage the testing facilities allover Egypt and make sure that no corruption or bribery would ever find its way into manipulating the test-results.

On the other hand the Ministry of Interior and its Traffic Department should make sure through daily check-points that every car, motorcycle, microbus, taxi, truck and bus using any public road has successfully passed this roadworthiness test and has a valid roadworthiness certificate either through a sticker on the license plate or through a paper certificate attached to the car registration license.

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