RTA Dubai App Updated to Calculate Carbon Emissions and Transport Cost

RTA Dubai App updated and now counts carbon emmission as well

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Road and Transport Authority’s Flagship mobile app, the RTA Dubai has been updated. The updated app has got a ‘green point counter’ that can measure carbon emissions, the cost of public transport and the saved time as well.

Moreover, the RTA Dubai app is wearable technology compatible as well, and it could send notifications to Apple or Android Watch (Wearable devices).

Need for Updated Flagship App

Road and Transport Authority made an announcement about the updated app on Tuesday last week. The officials at RTA told a national daily about this act, that this is an initiative for the progression of Smart City Initiative, which has been launched by UAE government to bring convenience and giving better services for road and public transport users.

Abdullah Al Madani, CEO of Corporate Technology Support Services Sector told that the regular users of the app will be provided with points.

He added that, people using the app to make a transaction on mobile through RTA App instead of going to service centers will be awarded with green points. The increased number of green points will ultimately aid the users for longer term.

Users with Most Green Points will be awarded

According to CEO, Abdullah Al Madani, a ceremony will be held by RTA later in this year to applaud the users with highest green points. Other than that, the green points will also be issued to the users who feed in the app, their daily commuting distance by various modes of public transport. The app will automatically calculate the carbon emissions and cost saved by the users by using public transport and will add green points to their account.

He added, “Updating the ‘RTA DUBAI’ App stems from RTA’s keenness to keep pace with the Smart City initiative taken to broaden the scope of services on offer to transport users.”

Updated Services of the App: Madinati and Al Hares

RTA Dubai updated app has two more program options now, i.e. Madinati and Al Hares. Al Hares program gives a confidential and safe channel to RTA staff and users where they can report violations, frauds and corruptions without any fear and by keeping their identity anonymous.

While the Madinati service lets users report against faulty traffic signals, bad condition of roads and Emirates’ other related problems.

RTA Dubai App - Madinati and AL Harees Features

Existing Facilities for App Users

RTA Dubai app is indeed a very useful service which enables users to check payment of parking fees, tells drivers about parking places and various other services for road users in Emirates. It also lets users book cabs, display driving license and many other features are added in the updated version. We hope in future it also start giving guidance for car disposal as well. The current facilities offered by RTA for the road users are a step forward towards Smart City Initiative for making the life easier and using advanced technologies in a constructive way for the motorists.

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Screenshots Source: RTA App

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