RTA Dubai Makes Medical Test Compulsory for Private Chauffeurs

Road and Transport Authority (RTA) Dubai makes medical test compulsory for private chauffeurs

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The Road and Transport Authority (RTA) Dubai announces updated procedures for the medical testing of the private chauffeurs in order to make sure they avoid any possible communicable disease. The move carries great significance as it gives the surety of the physical state of the private drivers.

Details of the Medical Process

Along with the testing of the communicable diseases, the private chauffeurs will also go through the tests for eyesight, high blood pressure, diabetes and other physical conditions.

The initiative is not a new one and has been part of RTA plan to issue medical permits to drivers of different categories since 2011.The move in its earlier phases had issued permits to bus, truck and taxi drivers and now it will be implemented for the private chauffeurs too.

Importance of the Medical Testing of Private Chauffeurs

The medical tests for the private chauffeurs carry great weight in the present traffic system of Dubai and will surely improve it overall. These tests will determine whether the private chauffeurs should be allowed the medical permit or not.

Director of Drivers Licensing Agency RTA, Jamal Assada stated that having a medical permit would mean that the private chauffeurs does not have any communicable disease and is physically sound to drive. He also added that the medical tests for private chauffeurs were very important as they were to ensure the safety of the children and all other members of the families.

Phases of the Medical Tests and Monitoring Procedures

The medical testing procedure consists of multiple phases which make sure that the private chauffeurs are tested in details for all possible communicable and physical diseases. The process is highly integrated and the hospitals and firms concerned with the procedure are directly linked to the highly synchronized electronic system of the RTA. The system thoroughly analyzes the results of the test and based on those results the decision about issuing the permit is made.

Long Term Benefits of this Initiative

The benefits of this initiative are surely for the longer term. The overall effort from the authorities is to minimize the occurrence of road accidents and fulfill all possible safety criterions for that. Earlier, there was no proper medical testing system for private chauffeurs and people used to hire them without any medical assurance. But now the chauffeurs will have to show the medical permit. The move is highly appreciable and is expected to go well with the public.

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