How to ruin your car paint…..

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Maintaining a perfect condition for your car paint is a daily task. Some regular daily exposures can ruin your paint without even knowing it. Below are some of the most common hazards to your car paint.

1. Ashes

Your car can get some ashes stuck to it while driving around. You need to wash your car often and cover it when you don’t intend to use it for a long time.

Ash can come from anywhere, and it gets everywhere. Cars are no exception. You may think that hitting the windshield washers or just hosing down the whole car can solve the problem, but water mixed with ash can create alkaline compounds, which will ruin your paint. White ash can be removed with a car duster, or just by driving away and letting it blow off. Black ash can scratch your paint, even when you use a duster, so you’ll need to wash it off using a car wash solution, and dry thoroughly.

2. Tree sap

Tree sap is a powerful glue. It can stick to your car paint and ruin it. You need to use tar remover, mineral spirits, or clay bar treatment.

Just wiping sap off when it’s still fresh will increase the affected area. Instead, get a bottle of bug and tar remover from a local car store, and follow the directions. If the sap dries, mineral spirits can dissolve it, and remaining residue will come off with a clay bar treatment. Just be sure to wax the car after you’re done.

3. Spilled gasoline

Gasoline may spill on your car while filling up. This can damage your car’s paint. If left alone, gasoline will leave a stain on your car’s finish that’s nearly impossible to get off. You need to clean it right away by using a bottle of instant detailer and a good, clean microfiber cloth and clean up the gasoline before it does any harm.

4. Funny doodles on your dirty car

If any of your friends leave you funny messages on your dirty car, like “wash me”, this can leave permanent marks. You need to keep your car clean.

Get yourself a long-handled duster and wipe down your car every day to prevent accidental sanding. If it’s too late, most small scratches come out with a polish or scratch remover. Just always be sure to clean the car well before waxing or polishing.

5. Spilled Coffee

Coffee and Soda are acidic compounds. They can ruin your car paint. If you spill coffee, wsh it immediately.

You need to worry about more than losing your coffee if you spill it on your car exterior. Many beverages are acidic, and since any acid can hurt your car’s finish, you’ll want to get it washed off as soon as you can. Letting it sit will only give it more time to do damage, and letting it dry will only make it harder to get off later. If it’s a soda, or if you take a lot of sugar in your coffee, then you’re going to be dealing with a sticky residue in addition to corrosive chemicals.

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