In technical terms, the oil in a motor keeps the valves lubricated so that the pistons can function properly. Basically, gasoline enters the engine and is ignited by the spark plugs. The energy that is released from the explosion of gas then pumps the pistons inside the motor. The pistons turn the crankshaft, which is the main gear for the entire engine. Because this happens over and over again very rapidly, the pistons have to be lubricated to limit friction and prevent the engine from seizing. Long story short, you have to have oil in your car for it to work properly. But what type of oil should you use? There is regular motor oil and there is synthetic. There is 5w30 and there’s 10w40. There is high mileage and high performance. So many choices! When selecting a type of oil, you need to make sure that the weight of the oil is the best choice for the outside temperature (i.e. you want a lighter oil in the winter and a heavier oil in the summer because the heat or cold can affect its fluidity). The best choice of oil for any motor is synthetic oil. First, it is made of chemical compounds that are artificially synthesized from components of petroleum rather than crude oil, but can also be synthesized from other raw, renewable materials. Secondly, it is less affected by temperature change, meaning you don’t have to worry about keeping up with the seasons (and who knows which is which in these days of global warming?). Thirdly, it lubricates the valves more effectively because it is made from a more flexible chemical bond. Regular motor oil burns differently and leaves build-up in the piston housings, eventually interfering with motor function. Synthetic oil burns much cleaner. Lastly, even though it costs a little less than twice as much per quart, it lasts much longer and has less of a chance of burning off. Above all, you must remember that when using synthetic oil, it is terrible for the motor to return to using regular motor oil. So, once you start using it, you can’t go back.

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