Safe Driving Tips to Avoid Road Accidents in Dusty Weather


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Summers in the UAE can increase commuting challenges for motorists in various ways. The extremely hot and humid weather conditions and the frequent occurrence of dust storms can make life difficult even for seasoned drivers. The level of difficulty is understandably higher for inexperienced drivers who can make dangerous driving mistakes, which can lead to road accidents. Reducing speed and paying attention can help avoid such situations in bad weather conditions. Being prepared for adverse weather conditions also proves to be helpful as dust storms can hit unexpectedly during the summer season.

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) in Dubai has released an advisory video for motorists with tips for driving safely in dusty weather. The authority stressed the need for closing windows and turning on the AC during the dust storm to navigate safely. The safety guidelines that have been shared by RTA can prove to be valuable for motorists when driving in a dust storm.

Safety Guidelines Issued by RTA

The Roads and Transport Authority in Dubai has shared safety guidelines for driving in rainy, foggy and dusty weather. One thing that needs to be kept in mind is that preparedness is the key to avoid any inconvenience during extreme weather conditions.

Given below are some important tips to avoid dangerous road situations in bad weather conditions.

  • Before heading out, car owners must always check their car’s headlights to ensure that they are functioning properly.
  • While driving in a dust storm, motorists must reduce the speed of their vehicles to avoid accidents.
  • Switching lanes during the dust storm can prove to have dangerous consequences so, motorists should avoid it.
  • Closing windows and using the AC will help drivers avoid breathing difficulties and visibility issues while driving in dusty weather.

Important Safety Tips for Driving in a Dust Storm

Besides the guidelines issued by RTA, motorists can also follow some other important safety tips to avoid dangerous road situations in dusty weather. Complying with traffic rules and following safe driving tips can help minimize the risk of a dangerous road accident.

  • Keeping Distance: Maintaining a safe distance with the car ahead will help prevent collisions.
  • Sudden Stoppage: Do not apply brakes suddenly as this may not allow sufficient time for the driver in the vehicle behind to take prompt action to avoid a collision.
  • Pull Over: If you sense that dust storm is too dangerous to drive, pull over to a safe side of the road and wait for the conditions to improve.
  • Turn off the Lights: During low visibility, car drivers use taillights of the vehicles ahead to navigate, so when the driver pulls over, they must turn off the lights to make sure no one mistakenly follows them and crashes into their car.
  • Be Considerate of Others: It is important for drivers to be considerate of others on the road including pedestrians and remain patient as everyone is facing a similar situation.
  • Get off the Highway: If you are hit by a dust storm while driving on the highway, it is best to get off the highway as soon as possible to avoid accidents.
  • Stay Calm: The most important thing is to make sure that you maintain calmness and do not panic. Keep the speed slow and pull over the first chance you get to avoid accidents.


It is essential for motorists to adopt a defensive driving approach whenever they have to drive through a dust storm. Reckless driving in such weather can prove to have dangerous consequences and lead to fatal road accidents involving multiple vehicles.

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