How to Sell Your Car Quickly and Hassle-free in the UAE?


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Selling a car in the UAE’s used car market can be a challenging task, even for those who have prior experience. Things can get even trickier for those who have never sold a vehicle in the used car market as they can face difficulty in finding a serious buyer quickly.

There are multiple options available for the selling a used car privately including car dealerships, classified websites and professional car buying companies. However, before making a final decision, car sellers should consider weighing their options to avoid certain challenges. These challenges can include car scams, difficulty in negotiating for a used car’s fair resale price and dealing with comprehensive paperwork.

The ideal way to go about selling your car quickly and hassle-free in the UAE would be to choose a specialist car buying company. Not only do these companies provide a reliable platform, but they also offer a fair resale price for a used car and take care of the paperwork involved.

Let’s take a look at various aspects that car sellers need to be aware of while selling their vehicles in the UAE.

Challenges Faced by Car Sellers when Selling a Used Car

Car sellers might face several challenges when trying to sell their used cars in the UAE. Therefore, when preparing to sell a used vehicle, automobile owners should keep the following things in mind:

Finding a serious buyer can be difficult

Finding a serious buyer can take a considerable amount of time, especially if you are using classified websites. While these websites are great for getting the attention of car buyers, the actual amount of time it takes to connect to a serious buyer is usually long. Even after getting in touch with a serious buyer, there is no guarantee that the car would be purchased. This kind of problem would not occur with specialist car buying platforms.

Avoiding fraudulent activities

This can be a challenge for inexperienced car sellers or expatriates since they find it hard to differentiate between genuine buyers and fraudsters. Car sellers should be careful when selling their cars as there are a lot of unlicensed dealers who might fake their identities to gain unjust benefits. Besides that, car sellers should also be careful when using classified websites for selling their cars, since there is little or no authentication of users required on these platforms.

Ensuring the safety of the payment process

Safety of the payment process is a genuine concern, especially when it comes to accepting payments through cheques. There have been some incidents of dud cheques being given to car sellers by fraudulent buyers in the UAE. Mostly such buyers approach vulnerable sellers through classified websites.

Minimizing the risk of financial loss

Decreasing the risk of financial loss is a major factor to consider when selling a car. Dealers are very adept at convincing car sellers to go for a lower price than the actual resale value of their vehicles. Due to a lack of experience and understanding of the automobile industry, sellers are usually tricked into selling their vehicles at low prices.

What to Consider when Selling a Used Car in the UAE?

When planning to sell a used car in the UAE, there are several things that can have an impact on the selling process and the value you get from it. Given below are a few factors that should be considered while selling a used car.

Worth of the Car

The worth of the car is one of the most important aspects to take into account when selling a vehicle. To determine the worth of the car, one way is to look at classifieds for similar car listings. However, this is bound to leave sellers confused, as there is often a huge variation in prices for the same kind of car. What happens is that when someone is deciding on a resale price for their car, they look at the highest valued comparable cars in the classifieds and add a few percent above that to leave room for negotiations. On the other hand, when buyers lookup vehicles for purchase, they usually search for the lowest price options. This creates a huge difference in the expectations of buyers and sellers.

On the other hand, if car sellers opt for a dealer for the valuation of their vehicle, they would be at a disadvantage as dealers would most certainly try to negotiate a price lower than the actual value. A better way to go about this would be to get your car valued by a professional car selling service. This way you can get an unbiased quote based on the actual specifics of your car.

What Platform to Use?

What platform to use when selling your car is another important factor for car sellers to consider. There are three common ways to go about this, which include classifieds, car dealerships or professional car buying companies. Even though people in the UAE use all these platforms for selling their cars, there are certain limitations specifically when selling through classifieds or car dealerships. Classified websites involve providing personal contact details on a public platform along with the need for meeting strangers to let them inspect the vehicle. Even after inspection, there is no guaranteed purchase, resulting in a lot of wasted time and energy for the sellers.

Similarly, selling to car dealers has its own challenges. These dealers would try to purchase the car for the lowest possible amount and might even offer a trade-in deal. A trade-in deal refers to selling a used car and buying a new one from the same dealer after adjusting the difference between the two payments. Such a deal would be considered a single transaction, which will limit the benefits of the car seller. If a car is sold to one buyer and a new car is purchased from a separate seller, the profit margins can be greater than a trade-in deal.

Documentation and Paperwork

Selling a car privately in the UAE requires car sellers to deal with the documentation and paperwork without any professional help. It starts with getting the essential documents ready including the registration related documents and service history of the vehicle. Car sellers must also check fines against their vehicle and pay them before selling it.

Selling a vehicle also involves a lot of paperwork, primarily including the deregistration and title transfer of the vehicle. The paperwork requirements can make it extremely challenging for car sellers to sell their vehicles privately. A quicker and more hassle-free approach would be to let a professional car buying service handle the paperwork.

How to Sell Your Car in a Hassle-free Manner?

Selling a car quickly and hassle-free in the UAE can be a big challenge. However, if a professional car buying platform, such as is selected, these hassles can be avoided. provides car sellers with a reliable solution to sell their vehicles in the UAE. It is the largest car buying company in the UAE with a widespread network of branches. The company offers guaranteed purchase of every used car, regardless of the condition of the vehicle, its make, model or age.

Car sellers are provided with detailed stepwise instructions while selling their car through The entire process is safe and stress-free, starting with a basic evaluation of the car through an online car valuation tool. Following the online valuation, car sellers will need to book an appointment for the physical inspection of the car at one of the company’s nationwide branches.

After this physical inspection, car sellers are offered a final purchase price for the used car. If the seller accepts the offer, a sales agreement is signed and the entire process is completed within just 30 minutes. also offers the service of post-sale paperwork to make the process of selling a used car 100% hassle-free. The payment against the value of a vehicle is made through electronic bank transfer. With, car sellers can sell their vehicles quickly and conveniently at a fair price.

If you are looking to sell your used car to buy a new one with advanced safety features and improved performance, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by’s team.

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