Sharjah Police Issues 12,871 Fines to Jaywalkers in Five Months

Sharjah Police Issues 12,871 Fines to Jaywalkers in Five Months

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Jaywalking violations remained a major cause for concern in Sharjah during the first five months of 2018. According to Sharjah Police, 12,871 fines were issued against jaywalkers during this period after the end of several awareness campaigns that were launched under the theme of “Pedestrian Safety is Our Responsibility.” These numbers show that jaywalking violations increased considerably in the first five months of 2018 as compared to the same period of 2017.

Sharjah Police has intensified its efforts to ensure pedestrian safety with the help of increased traffic surveillance and warned pedestrians against crossing the road in a dangerous manner to avoid hefty penalties. The risk of a dangerous run-over accident or an accident involving multiple vehicle ramming into each other increases considerably because of jaywalking as motorists can lose control of their vehicles if a careless pedestrian suddenly jumps in the middle of a road.

Official Statement about the Jaywalking Violations

Jaywalking can disturb the flow of traffic and can potentially cause a dangerous run-over accident on a busy road. Apart from issuing a warning against jaywalkers, authorities have also advised motorists to remain considerate of pedestrians near intersections, residential areas and school areas. According to Lieutenant Saud Al Shaiba, Spokesperson for the Traffic and Patrol Department, 12,871 fines were issued to people caught jaywalking in Sharjah between January and May this year. He said that jaywalking is a traffic offence that jeopardizes the safety of all commuters. He mentioned that a fine of AED 400 is imposed on jaywalkers for not adhering to safety protocols defined by authorities for crossing the road.

Also read: 50 Deaths in 13 Months due to Run-Over Accidents in Sharjah

Important Stats on Jaywalking and Run-over Accidents in Sharjah

According to the Sharjah Police, as many as 12,871 jaywalkers were fined during the first five months of 2018. These numbers are higher than last year, which is a worrying sign for traffic authorities who have continued to make their best efforts to ensure road safety of all commuters in the emirate. In a positive development, the number of jaywalking violations have reduced during the holy month of Ramadan as Sharjah Police has only fined 5 jaywalkers during Ramadan so far.

Listed below are the names of the roads where most of the jaywalking violations were committed by pedestrians during the first five months of 2018:

  • Al Nahda Road
  • Ebrahim Al Midfa’a Road
  • Industrial Area 4 Road

It is important for pedestrians to know that they can be prosecuted under the Federal Penal Code for jaywalking violations that can potentially cause dangerous road accidents resulting in property damage or serious injuries.

Also read: Smart Pedestrian Signals Fitted Across 15 New Locations in Dubai

Traffic Stats for Run-over Accidents in Sharjah

The traffic authorities have also revealed some important stats about the number of run-over accidents recorded during 2017. According to Sharjah Police, the run-over accidents decreased by 14% from 184 in 2016 to 156 in 2017. Fatalities in the run-over road accidents also decreased by 20% from 132 in 2016 to 105 in 2017. In general, a decline of 15% was observed in overall road accidents recorded in 2017.

Motorists have been repeatedly advised by authorities to give priority to pedestrians at designated crossing spots. A fine of AED 500 and six black points can be issued against the license of a motorist for failing to give priority to the safety of pedestrians at designated crossing spots. A traffic penalty involving AED 200 fine and three traffic black points can also be imposed on motorists for stopping a vehicle in a way that causes a threat to the safety of pedestrians.

Also read: Motorists to benefit from the Road Safety Campaign for Pedestrians

How to Cross a Road Safely?

Pedestrians can easily avoid dangerous road situations by adopting road safety practices outlined by authorities. Pedestrians have been advised to avoid crossing the highways that have a speed limit in excess of 80 Km/h. Additionally, pedestrians should only cross the road from pedestrian bridges or zebra crossing not just to avoid traffic fines, but also to avoid dangerous run-over accidents. Motorists should also avoid over-speeding and remain considerate of pedestrians while they are crossing the road. Road safety is a shared responsibility that all commuters, including pedestrians, must fulfill and all stakeholders should play their part in making the Sharjah roads safe for everyone.

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