Sharjah Police Takes a New Initiative for Motorists with Pending Fines and Black Points

Sharjah Police Takes a New Initiative for Motorists with Pending Fines and Black Points

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In a delightful new development, Sharjah Police has taken a new initiative to provide relief to the motorists with pending traffic penalties. This new initiative is part of the 50th Anniversary celebrations of Sharjah Police Operations and under this initiative, motorists will be able to avail a 50% discount on their traffic fines and 100% cancellation of black points incurred until October 18.

Official Statement about the New Initiative taken by Sharjah Police

Brig. Saif Al Zeri Al Shamsi, Commander in Chief of Sharjah Police, said that this new initiative will provide motorists with an opportunity to avail discounts against fines and get the black points against their license cancelled before the start of next year. He was of the view that this positive initiative by Sharjah Police will have a good impact on the mindset of motorists and will urge them to avoid traffic violations, which will improve the road safety situation in Sharjah.

This new initiative has already been implemented from October 19, 2017 and applies to all traffic fines and black points issued until October, 18. Brig. Saif Al Zeri Al Shamsi also added that motorists could pay their fines with 50% discount through the app or website of the Ministry of Interior or at the Police Stations across the emirate until 31st of December.

Importance of the New Initiative for Motorists

The announcement of the new initiative comes as a breath of fresh air for motorists who had been worried about paying heavy fines and were on the brink of losing their license because of mounting black points. It must be understood that according to the traffic rules in the UAE, the driving license of a motorist can be cancelled if the black points against it amount to 24. Black points can mount very quickly against a driver’s license if he or she commits dangerous traffic violations repetitively. In the recently amended traffic law, the fines for major traffic violations were increased, which added a financial burden on the offenders.  The new initiative by Sharjah Police will allow motorists to avail 50% discount on their pending fines.

The new initiative by Sharjah Police ahead of their 50th Anniversary of Operations is one of the most encouraging initiatives taken by the traffic authorities for motorists in recent times. It will be of immense benefit for motorists who were either struggling to pay their fines or were in danger of losing their driving license due to mounting black points.

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Dangerous Traffic Violations and their Penalties in the UAE

Traffic penalties for dangerous traffic violations were increased drastically in the recently amended traffic law. The increase in penalties was aimed at discouraging motorists from committing reckless driving mistakes.

Some of the dangerous traffic violations and their corresponding traffic penalties are given in the table below:

Newly Amended Traffic Law and Reckless Driving Behavior

All of these traffic violations are among the most common traffic violations committed by motorists in Sharjah. From the cancellation of a driver’s license to facing serious penalties such as confiscation of vehicle and even driver’s detention in some worst case scenarios, committing these traffic violations can clearly make life tough for motorists driving recklessly in the UAE. Motorists must value their own safety and safety of other motorists and follow traffic rules because these rules have been implemented for the well-being of all commuters.

Also read: Sharjah Police installs 30 new Radars on 5 Important Roads


Sharjah Police has been continuously taking initiatives to encourage motorists to avoid reckless driving mistakes. As the penalties for dangerous traffic violations have been increased in the new traffic law, the importance of encouraging initiatives such as this brings a much-needed relief for motorists. The timing of this initiative is also important as many motorists are still trying to adjust to the amended traffic rules and a discount on fines and revoking of black points can certainly have a positive impact on their mindset. Motorists should now make an effort to become aware of the new changes in the traffic law so that they can avoid all the dangerous traffic violations and hefty traffic penalties proactively.

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