Tesla Puts on Show its Most Affordable Model 3

Tesla Model 3 electric sedan revealed

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The most anticipated electric model of Tesla named as Tesla Model 3 has been uncovered by the company. This sleek, versatile and spacious sedan is not only economical but has an above average performance at the same time. With the revealing of its entry-level electric vehicle, Tesla has certainly lived up to its promise of building an affordable electric vehicle. The debut of the Tesla Model 3 Sedan took place at an event held in California on 31st march 2016. The preorders of Tesla model 3 have reached up to 276,000 and the number clearly indicates the impact it has created worldwide.

Features of Tesla Model 3

Tesla has not uncovered much of the features of its upcoming electric car at the unveil event. On its market launch in 2017, many more updated features can be expected. Few features of Tesla model 3 that were disclosed at the event are discussed here.

Above Average Performance

The new Tesla Model will be one of its kinds in terms of its speed.  Tesla model 3 will speed up from 0 to 60mph in less than six seconds. In addition to that, Tesla 3 is assumed to have the same performance as standard fuel vehicles. According to US environmental agency Tesla Model 3 will travel 215 miles on a single charge. One can buy any car but this model 3  is a must have car.

Standard Super Charge Feature

All variants of Tesla 3 will come with standard supercharging feature for quick charging. It is estimated that 80% of the battery will get charged in only 30 minutes with this supercharge feature.  Tesla plans to facilitate its customers by adding another 3600 supercharge stations in Europe, Asia and North America before the arrival of Tesla model 3 in the market.

Spacious Interior

The design team of tesla has pushed the dashboard forward and compressed the instrument panel of Tesla 3 to make sure that there is enough space in the vehicle.  This four-door electric vehicle is capable of capacitating five passengers comfortably. In addition to that, the car features standard rear and front trunk spaces for storage.

Autopilot Standard for Model 3 Cars

CEO of Tesla revealed that model 3 Tesla cars will come standard with autopilot feature. This signature feature of Tesla made this car a semi-self-driving car. Autopilot allows model 3 to change lanes with a simple tap, steer within the streets and manage speed by using traffic aware cruise control.

Tesla Model 3 affordable electric sedan

Affordable Price of Tesla Model 3

The best thing about Tesla model 3 is its affordable price. Without compromising on any of the features from its earlier expensive vehicles, this car purchase decision will not make you go wrong. Tesla has revealed its Electric Tesla Model 3 at an affordable cost of $35,000. It will be brought to the market at the end of 2017. Tesla model 3 entry-level variant is labeled as the most affordable electric car of Tesla till date.

Pre-ordering of Tesla Model 3 in UAE

As there are no official Tesla dealerships in UAE till date, people can only import Tesla models privately. The online pre- ordering page of tesla has an option of UAE, when choosing a country for shipping.  This obviously is good news for the residents of UAE who want to have this affordable electric car “Tesla model 3” and afford the shipping charges too.

Tesla Model 3 made more than 200k preorders in just 36 hours

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