Things to consider before buying used cars in Dubai

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Shopping for used cars in Dubai is quite easy. But still you’ll need to pay close attention to make sure that you get the best one for your lifestyle. Though because of the fleeting residents, used vehicles are extensively accessible but there are some basic things you should consider before making purchase.

Paperwork: In Dubai, you must have to own UAE residence visa if you want to buy a car. Additionally the buyer should also have a valid driving license. You must need that bit of paperwork otherwise you won’t be able to buy the car you are dreaming about.

Condition: Before buying a used car you’ll need to inspect it very carefully by checking its internal and external damages. Never forget to check the engine plate with the registering papers. You can also ask its owner to give you detailed diagnostic report. You might want to look for corrosion or rust which is the most damaging thing of all on used cars. Also inspect the engine bay forward panels and forward chassis legs for repairs or creases. Before buying, you’ll also need to make sure that all outstanding fines of that car have been paid.

Fines can be checked on the following website of Dubai Police

Finance: Most used car dealers provide financing options for their buyers. As well as local banks provides special financing for car which is very similar to process in the USA. But still there are some differences like many financiers will require forward dated checks to be cashed on each due date of your loan instead of monthly payments. When you are offered financing from the dealer, it will be from their preferred bank. Weather you can get better rate and terms on your car loan.

Insurance: In Dubai, It is mandatory to have your car insurance. There are plenty of options here for your car insurance. Your dealer can also help you to get an insurance company. You have to play close attention to your insurance policy.

Registration: Car registration is also an issue where buyer needs to pay close attention. If you are buying privately, it is recommended for you not to give any money until the seller can go along with the registration of the vehicle.

Apart from all this, when buying pre owned cars you need to be cautious not to get deceive by false information. Dealers may tell you many things to set your mind for their car. However most car dealers are not wicked, but it is good to be cautious than to regret later.

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