Things You Must Do Before Selling Your Car


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The process of selling a used car does not have to be complicated or frustrating. However, some important factors must be considered by car sellers to find a serious buyer conveniently. A wide variety of vehicles is available in the used car market of the UAE and it is essential for car sellers to follow some important practices that can help in making their vehicles stand out. Getting a vehicle thoroughly cleaned is one of these practices, which can help improve the outlook of a vehicle. Buyers of used cars mostly prefer vehicles that look attractive and have their original parts well-maintained.

From understanding what car buyers want in a used car to getting done with minor fixes, car sellers must follow some important practices that can have a significant impact on the resale price of a used car.

Detailed Cleaning of the Vehicle

According to an estimate, getting a vehicle cleaned can increase its resale value up to 10%. Getting a vehicle thoroughly cleaned is essential to make it look good from inside out. The detailed cleaning involves getting the vehicle washed and waxed and detailing it to improve the overall appeal of the vehicle.

All the essential parts including the headlights, door panels, side mirrors and taillights should be extensively cleaned. Apart from these parts, other areas that are not visible to the naked eye must also be cleaned such as wheel arches and the space beneath the door handles.

After a detailed wash, you should get your vehicle waxed, which can help in improving the outlook of the vehicle. To get your car cleaned and waxed, you should choose a reputable car-detailing garage.

Getting the Documents Ready

Car sellers must get all the required documents ready before finding a potential buyer for their used car. The documents are mostly required to complete the legal processes and to provide the buyer with details about the service history and maintenance of the vehicle. This step can be crucial while selling a used car and must not be overlooked by car sellers.

Given below are the major documents required for selling a used car:

  • Car Insurance
  • Bank clearance documents if the owner of the vehicle took a car loan. On the other hand, a release letter, or a no-objection certificate (NOC) will be required from the bank to transfer the loan to the buyer
  • Vehicle ownership certificate of the seller
  • Technical inspection certificate of the vehicle
  • Service history of the Vehicle

Getting Done with Small Repairs

It is essential for car sellers to get done with small repairs such as minor scratches and dents before finding a serious buyer. Many car sellers can find it insignificant to get done with such repairs, however, this can have a considerable impact on the final resale price of a vehicle. Car sellers should think like car buyers while selling their vehicles and ensure that their vehicles look clean and attractive.

However, car sellers must avoid an extensive paint job unless their car’s exterior paint is seriously damaged. Most car buyers prefer vehicles in original condition and an unnecessary paint job can have a bad impact on the resale value of a vehicle. Car sellers should ideally check with an expert mechanic to decide about the essential fixes and whether to go for a paint job or not.

Determining the Resale Value of a Vehicle

This is arguably the most essential aspect of selling a used car in the UAE. This is important for both experienced and inexperienced car sellers to determine their vehicle’s value through a professional platform. Determining the resale value beforehand can give an edge to the car sellers while negotiating for the resale price of their vehicles.

The process of car valuation can help in estimating the actual market price of a used car. The value of a vehicle should ideally be determined through a professional car valuation service that is offered by several specialist car buying companies in the UAE.

How Can Make Selling a Car Easier? is the largest car buying company in the UAE that provides car sellers with the most advanced and comprehensive car buying service. With nationwide branches across the UAE, makes selling a car safe, convenient and completely hassle-free.

The company offers a two-step car valuation process that can help in determining the actual resale price of a used car. The initial orientation value of a used car can be estimated with the company’s online valuation tool. Following the online valuation, car sellers can book an appointment for the physical inspection of the vehicle at any nearby branch of the company.

During the physical inspection, a vehicle is checked extensively, after which a final price is offered to the sellers. With a car can be sold at a fair price within just 30 minutes.

The company ensures guaranteed purchase of every vehicle that has been inspected by its experts. On top of the that, the entire post-sale paperwork is handled by, which can make selling a used car 100% hassle-free for car sellers.

If you are looking to sell your used car to buy a new one with advanced safety features and improved performance, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by’s team.

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