Things That Should Not be Overlooked When Selling a Used Car

Things That Should Not be Overlooked When Selling a Used Car

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Selling a used car in the UAE can be full of challenges for inexperienced car sellers. However, the problems associated with selling used cars can be avoided with a careful approach and by choosing the right platform. The most important part of selling a used car is to prepare it in line with the expectations of used car buyers. In addition to this, several other factors must also not be overlooked when selling a car in the used car market of the UAE. All the measures taken to get a used vehicle ready for purchase can significantly impact the resale value of the vehicle.

Given below are some important factors that should be considered by car sellers to sell their vehicles at a fair price in the UAE.

Car Valuation

Car valuation is an important part of selling a used car, which refers to determining the potential resale value of a vehicle in the used car market. This is a complicated process that should only be handled by an experienced car expert. While car owners know the best about the actual condition of their vehicles, they still cannot be 100% sure about the potential market price of their vehicles.

The process of a vehicle’s value determination involves several factors including make, model, age, condition and market demand of the vehicle. A particular time in which a vehicle is being can also impact its resale value. All these factors are taken into consideration by a professional car valuation expert to determine the actual resale price of a used vehicle. With this information, car sellers can find a serious buyer for their vehicle quickly and easily. Without a professional car valuation, car sellers either overstate or understate the value of their vehicles, which can result in unnecessary delays or financial loss while selling their cars.

Minor Fixes

You do not need to opt for expensive repairs to improve the outlook of your vehicle. However, those minor fixes that are affordable and can have a major impact on the resale value of your car should be considered as they can make a significant difference to a vehicle’s resale price.

Given below are some of these important fixes:

  • Small dents and dings
  • Technical problems with the air conditioning system
  • Wiring and electrical issues
  • Repair of headlights and taillights
  • Interior detailing (Getting the interior cleaned and getting new seats installed if the seats are damaged)

Car owners must understand that they do not need to go for expensive fixes such as complete repaint of the vehicle. Such fixes do not add any value as most buyers look to purchase vehicles with their original paint even if it is not in the best condition.

Also read: 6 Tips for Selling Your Car in the UAE

Choosing the Right Car Selling Platform

This is arguably the most important aspect of selling a used car as a wrong decision in choosing the car selling platform can result in a serious financial loss. Car sellers can choose from three popular options that include selling their vehicle to a professional dealer, private buyers or a specialist car buying company.

When you sell your car to professional dealerships, you are guaranteed an authentic process that will automatically lead to selling your car. However, there is a risk that you might not be able to get the best price for your car. The problem with this approach is that dealers usually offer low prices for used cars and it can be extremely difficult for car sellers to convince dealers for a fair resale price. The negotiations skills of dealers are much better than the skills of sellers, which can result in selling a used car at a relatively lower price.

Another approach that is quite popular among car sellers is to sell their vehicles through classified websites. These websites allow car sellers to directly interact with potential car buyers, which can seemingly make it easier to sell a car. However, this is not an ideal process by any means as car sellers can face several problems when selling their vehicles to private buyers. There are hundreds of thousands of cars listed on these websites, which can make it challenging for car sellers to find a serious buyer quickly. Another problem with this approach is the privacy risk, since car sellers have to provide their personal details in the car advertisement so that potential buyers can contact them. This can result in people with fraudulent intentions approaching car sellers, which can prove to have serious consequence. In the past, such incidents have been reported in different emirates where fraudsters duped car sellers after approaching them through classified websites.

Another option for car sellers is to sell their cars to a specialist car buying company. This is arguably the safest and most effective method to sell any used car in the UAE as these companies offer a transparent process and also ensure guaranteed purchase of every vehicle. There are several companies offering such services to car sellers in the UAE, which increases the importance of choosing the right company by comparing all the options in consideration.

Also read: How to Choose the Right Platform for Selling Your Used Car?

The Best Way to Sell a Used Car in the UAE

The best way to sell a used car in the UAE is to sell it through a specialist car buying company like As the leading car buying company in the UAE, offers a hassle-free process to sell any used car, regardless of its make, model, age or condition. The entire process to sell a used car to just takes 30 minutes and the post-sale paperwork is handled by the company.

With, the process of selling a used car starts with evaluating a used car online. The online valuation tool of the company has been designed to estimate the potential market price of a car based on several important factors. After the valuation, an appointment needs to be booked for the physical inspection of the vehicle at one of nationwide branches of At the end of a detailed inspection, a final offer is made to the seller, which represents the actual market price of the used vehicle. offers a fair resale price and ensures guaranteed purchase of every car that has been inspected by its experts. If the offer is accepted by the seller, a sales agreement is signed, and the car is immediately purchased by the company. In this way, car sellers can sell their used car in the most transparent and hassle-free manner.

If you are looking to sell your used car to buy a new one with advanced safety features and improved performance, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by’s team.

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