Tips to Clean your Car Seats at Home

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It wasn’t the first time when you were hanging out with your friends on a weekend and got stains and dirt spots of drinks and pizzas. Getting these kind of  spots is quite common when you have a car and spend most of the time traveling alone or with other passengers. But the major problem that most drivers face in these kind of scenarios is they only find about it the next morning when they sit in the car, what makes it awkward is if you have to drive with it to office with your boss or with your mother to drop her to nearby superstore. When they see a dirty and smelly seat there in your car they may think how careless you are about the degree of cleanliness of your things. Which is not completely true, isn’t it?

No problem, you can take your car to a car washer near  your home or if you want to do this by yourself and don’t know what to do and how to even start, then let me tell you that this is not a hard thing to do. Believe me it is a lot more simple to wash your car’s seats by yourself and guess what? You wouldn’t have to be a very skillful person to do that, it is very easy all you need some basic things mentioned under.

At the very first step, collect all these things in order to start washing the seats.

  • Nylon Brush
  • Hot Water
  • Basic Stain Remover
  • Laundry Detergent
  • Vacuum Cleaner


After collecting all these things, go to your car open the door and locate all the spots before you start washing them one after one. Use that basic stain remover on the area that you want to clean and then dip the nylon brush in hot water and start rubbing the dirty area with it. This will help you soften that place. And then after when you have done it successfully, use the laundry detergent and make that area wet with it and do the same step with brush again. The hot water is essential to deal with all these dirt spots and make them soften and if you do not use a hot water then it may prove very difficult to remove these stains from your seat and this can make all your efforts hundred times tougher.

After rubbing the dirty area for some time, use the vacuum cleaner and set it on full level. The vacuum cleaner will take all the stains off from the seat and you will get the clean seats back in its previous form.

Do the same process with every dirty area until you get all your seats back in their previous cleaned position. You can try this every time when you face this kind of problem and guess what? You do not need to take your car anywhere to get it cleaned.

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