Tips for Selling Your Car Conveniently in the UAE


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Selling a car in the UAE’s used car market can be challenging for both experienced and inexperienced car sellers. Car sellers can face many difficulties, particularly if they decide to sell a vehicle privately. From dealing with non-serious car buyers to handling the entire paperwork, selling a used car privately can be a serious challenge for car sellers. Some important practices must be taken into consideration by car sellers to sell their vehicles conveniently. These practices include determining the value of a vehicle beforehand, getting the vehicle extensively cleaned and choosing the right platform to sell the car.

There are different options available for selling a used car in the UAE. The most common options include classified websites, car dealers and specialist car buying companies. Selling a car to a specialist car buying company is the most reliable method as these companies offer a hassle-free process for selling a used car at a fair price in the UAE.

Given below are the tips for selling a used car conveniently in the UAE.

Know the Resale Value of Your Car

This is an important step that should not be overlooked by car sellers whenever they decide to sell their used cars. Knowing the value of a used car beforehand can help in selling a car conveniently as it can make it easier to find a serious buyer. Vehicles that are overpriced are often ignored by car buyers as there is a large variety of similar vehicles available in the used car market.

To make a vehicle stand out from the crowd, one must ask a realistic price for a used car. The realistic price of a vehicle can be determined through various ways. One of these ways is to check the classified car listings where the prices of similar vehicles can be checked to estimate the price of one’s vehicle. This is, however, not a reliable approach as the actual price of a vehicle can only be calculated after a thorough inspection of the vehicle’s condition.

Another way to do it is by taking the vehicle to a professional dealer for its detailed evaluation. Dealers may charge an evaluation fee, however, this approach is more reliable as compared to determining a vehicle’s price through classified listings.

The third and most reliable method of determining the value of a used car is through the professional car valuation of a specialist car buying company. These companies have cutting-edge car valuation systems, which can help in determining the actual market price of a vehicle.

Avoid Selling a Car through Classified Websites

Choosing the right platform to sell a used car is an important decision that can help car sellers in selling their vehicles conveniently. Car sellers who decide to sell their used cars in the UAE through classified websites can face several challenges as selling a car through classified websites can be risky, time-taking and ungainly.

Classified websites do not guarantee that you will be able to find a serious buyer quickly since many similar vehicles are listed on these websites. In addition to this, classified websites pose a serious risk to the privacy of car sellers as several unknown people can contact them and ask to meet for the inspection of their vehicle.

Meeting strangers for inspections and test drives can be unsafe for car sellers as people with fraudulent intentions can also approach them through classified websites. These challenges can make it extremely difficult for car sellers to sell their vehicles conveniently through classified websites.

Don’t Accept the Trade-in Offer

If you are selling your car to buy a new one, you should always avoid a trade-in deal offered by a car dealership. A trade-in offer refers to selling a used vehicle and buying a new one from the same dealer after adjusting the difference between the two payments. Inexperienced car sellers, who are not familiar with the trade-in deals can often make the mistake of accepting it.

A trade-in deal is considered as a single transaction by the dealers, which can limit the benefits of the customers. In such a deal, car sellers can either negotiate for a good resale price or a discount on the purchase of a new one. On the other hand, separating these two transactions can help in obtaining both benefits.

Choose a Specialist Car Buying Company like to Sell Your Car, the largest car buying company in the UAE, offers car sellers a hassle-free platform for selling their used cars. is a specialist car buying company that provides car sellers with an opportunity to sell their cars at a fair price. The company ensures guaranteed purchase of every used car that has been inspected by its experts.

Regardless of the make, model, age or condition of a vehicle, it can be sold to within just 30 minutes. Car sellers will also not have to worry about the paperwork as the company takes care of the entire post-sale paperwork. With, a vehicle can be sold at a fair price quickly and conveniently.

If you are looking to sell your used car to buy a new one with advanced safety features and improved performance, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by’s team.

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