Toyota Corolla sales go beyond the barrier of 40 million cars

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Toyota Company announced recently that the cumulative sales for its Toyota Corolla car, the most popular vehicles in the world has skipped the barrier of forty million vehicles in July, 2013 where the company recorded salesof 40.01 million vehicles. This world record represents another historic achievement for the Corolla which is the Toyota’s legendary vehicle that featured on the throne of the best-selling vehicles in the world.

Referring to the success of the Toyota Corolla, Shinichi Yasui who is the chief engineer of the Corolla said: “I feel that this vehicle has reached its leading position due to the appreciation of people for it all over the world and I am very proud with my contributions in building this amazing vehicle and I feel a lot of gratitude to all who have owned and loved Corolla vehicle. The secret behind the success of the Corolla is the passion and devotion forits concept of hereditarydeveloping of the philosophy developed by Hasegawa who is the chief engineer of the first generation of Corolla where he said that the Corolla vehicle should bring happiness and well-being for people all over the world”.

Mr. Nobuyuki Nagesha, the main representative of Toyota in the Middle East and North Africa said: “Reaching to this position is considered a great achievement for Toyota which reflects the company’s commitment towards ensuring that the customer has a vehicle characterized by world mythical reputation in providing an excellent value, and low operational costs and the worthy confidence driving experience stems from the high qualityengineeringin addition to its performance and absolute comfort while driving. All these elements have met together to play a key role in the success of the Corolla and we are looking forward to continuethe story of this great success, and concern for the province this unique vehicle to its popularity among future generations the Middle East’s market”.

In November 1966, Toyota has opened a new factory in Takaoka in the province of Aichi which is dedicated solely to the production of Corolla vehicles. Two years later, the production began in both Australia and Malaysia with focusing on providing the vehicles with specific specifications that suit each region. During the period between 1965 and 1968, the annual sales of Toyota reached to more than double where its salesgrew from 480,000 vehicles to 1.1 million vehicles which is a testament for the important role played by the Corolla that contributed to the growth of this huge company.




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