Traffic Authorities Warn Motorists against Negligence and Careless Driving

Traffic Authorities Warn Motorists against Negligence and Careless Driving

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The careless driving approach of motorists is a major reason behind fatal road accidents in Dubai according to a new traffic report revealed by traffic authorities. The report reveals important figures about serious risks associated with careless driving, neglecting the safety of others and distracted driving. According to traffic authorities, all of these violations were amongst the most frequently committed traffic violations in Dubai during first seven months of 2018.

Many motorists have been booked for similar violations across the emirate and the country as traffic authorities have increased their scrutiny of traffic offenders to improve road safety situation nationwide. Authorities have issued a strict warning against drivers who don’t think of negligence and careless driving as serious traffic violations and reminded them about the risk of being penalized for multiple violations at the same time.

Also read: Authorities Warn Motorists against Using Mobile Phone While Driving

Recent Incidents of Negligence and Careless Driving in the UAE

A number of recent incidents of negligence and careless driving have been reported across the country. These incidents clearly indicate that careless driving affects the safety of all commuters badly as even a minor lapse in concentration of a driver can result in a fatal collision involving multiple vehicles.

Here are some of the recently reported incidents of careless driving that have caused dangerous road accidents across the country.

Driver hitting a Camera Pole in Sharjah

A few days ago, a distracted driver in Sharjah rammed his vehicle into a roadside camera pole. Sharjah Police released the video of the incident on their Twitter handle as a reminder for all motorists to be attentive and focused on the road while driving. The video clearly shows how a driver lost his focus while driving, veered off the road and crashed into a camera pole. While the driver sustained injuries, the vehicle was badly damaged as a result of this serious accident caused by distracted driving.

The video of this incident is given below:

Daydreaming While Driving Leading to A Dangerous Collision in Dubai

A similar incident took place in Dubai just recently when a motorist, who later admitted to be daydreaming while driving, rammed his vehicle into another vehicle. The incident took place alongside Dubai Airport runway located near a section of Mohammad Bin Zayed Road.

The driver admitted that the sight of a landing aircraft reminded him of his family who had recently travelled back home, which caused a small lapse in concentration and resulted in a serious collision with another vehicle. Such incidents have caused six road deaths in Dubai during the first seven months of this year.

Reversing Vehicle on a Busy Highway

Another big road safety concern that has been categorized as negligence of motorists is reversing a vehicle on a busy highway to make an exit. This is a serious traffic offence that has been repeatedly committed by motorists in Dubai during the first seven months of 2018 and has caused many dangerous road accidents. According to authorities, drivers who think they are skilled enough to reverse their vehicles on a busy highway often end up causing a dangerous road accident involving multiple vehicles. Such motorists need to understand that the flow of traffic on high-speed highways doesn’t allow time to reverse a vehicle and it is a serious traffic violation that should be avoided at all costs.

Not Maintaining Appropriate Tyre Pressure of a Vehicle

Another form of negligence and careless driving that has resulted in many road accidents this year is not checking the tyre pressure of a vehicle on regular basis. This is a serious mistake that many motorists commit, which increases the risk of a sudden tyre blowout situation. Authorities have advised motorists to maintain their vehicle’s tyres in the best condition to avoid dangerous road situations, particularly in the summer season when surface temperature of roads increases significantly during daytime.

Also read: Driving Safety: Quick ways for knowing When to Replace Car Tyres

Three Major Reasons Behind Road Deaths during 2018 in Dubai

Dubai Police has released some important traffic stats that indicate how negligence and reckless driving behavior have remained a constant road safety concern in the emirate during the first seven months of 2018. Authorities have identified three major traffic violations that have caused the most number of road deaths during this period.

These three violations are:

  • Sudden Swerving
  • Tailgating
  • Reckless Driving

As many as 28 road deaths have been caused by sudden swerving while tailgating and reckless driving have accounted for 19 road deaths each during the first seven months of 2018. Authorities have emphasized that all of these violations are directly linked to negligence and distracted driving behavior of motorists. A distracted motorist can commit many dangerous violations at the same time including over-speeding, tailgating, sudden swerving and jumping the red signal amongst others. All of these violations can result in fatal collisions and put the safety of all commuters at a serious risk.

Motorists can face multiple traffic penalties at the same time for driving in a careless manner, which can include a heavy fine, black points that can even lead to suspension of a driver’s license and confiscation of the vehicle.

Also read: Traffic Violations with a Penalty of more than 10 Black Points against a Driving License


Negligence and careless driving behavior can have dangerous consequences on a busy road. Managing sleep time properly and taking rest breaks on a long journey is important for motorists to avoid feeling drowsy behind the wheel. In addition to this, motorists should also avoid all distractions while driving, especially the use of mobile phone for sending text messages, making phone calls or checking social media.

Motorists should realize that dangerous road situations caused by carelessness or distracted driving are easily preventable if they become more careful and follow traffic rules. A focused driving approach can help motorists in avoiding dangerous road situations which can, in turn, support traffic authorities in maintaining road safety for all commuters.

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