Traffic Fines Issued for Speeding Decrease by 17% in Abu Dhabi

Traffic Fines for Speeding Decrease by 17% in Abu Dhabi

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The traffic fines for speeding in the months of August and September have decreased by 17% in Abu Dhabi. A significant decrease in traffic violations in last two months is a result of consistent efforts put by the traffic authorities to improve the state of road safety in the Abu Dhabi. The 50% discount on traffic fines was lifted two months ago which has played a part in making the motorists more responsible and hence reducing the number of road incidents taking place due to over-speeding. According to the Abu Dhabi Police, the road safety, in general, has improved in last few months thanks to more careful driving from motorists.

A Significant Decline in Traffic Violations

The number of over-speeding violations decreased significantly in August and September in comparison to the figures of June and July. The decrease in the violations was recorded after the 50% discount being lifted from the fines. The 17% drop in over-speeding fines highlighted better disciplines observed by the motorists while driving. Along with the over-speeding violation, some other serious violations such as driving large vehicles without proper safety measures and poor overtaking also reduced in numbers. A significant decrease of 13% was observed in the tailgating fines while a drop of 17% was noticed in the lane swerving fines. The fines for using the mobile phone while driving have gone up in the same period which is still a concern for traffic authorities.

Read Also: 100,000 Traffic Violations Recorded for 1st Quarter of 2016 in Abu Dhabi

Importance of Traffic Regulations to Ensure Road Safety

Traffic rules and regulations are for the safety of the commuters on the road. The dropping of 50% discount on the traffic fines was a dedicated effort of the traffic authorities to discourage the reckless motorists and improve the state of road safety in Abu Dhabi. The initiative taken by the traffic authorities two months ago has certainly played a part in making the motorists more responsible. The use of mobile phone should also be avoided by the motorists to ensure that all the commuters on the road remain safe from any hazardous road situation.

Read Also: New Traffic System to Limit Traffic Congestions in Abu Dhabi

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