Traffic Penalties for Driving a Noisy Car in the UAE

Traffic Penalties for Driving a Noisy Car in the UAE

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Motorists can face a hefty fine and other penalties for driving a noisy car in the UAE. Abu Dhabi Police has issued a strict warning against motorists for driving a car that makes too much noise and asked motorists to avoid honking and excessive acceleration. Driving a vehicle that makes too much noise is strictly prohibited as it can cause distraction among other drivers on the road.

Distracted driving has been identified as a major reason behind fatal road accidents in Abu Dhabi and Abu Dhabi Police has started a crackdown against distracted drivers. Abu Dhabi Police has also intensified its efforts figure out all the reasons behind distracted driving in a bid to eliminate the risk of fatal road accidents caused by distracted drivers.

As part of the efforts to improve road safety situation, Abu Dhabi Police has launched several awareness campaigns to create awareness about the dangers of distracted driving. Abu Dhabi Police has also taken a tougher stance against motorists who distract other drivers by driving noisy vehicles and reminded them of serious penalties for this violation.

Official Statement

According to Abu Dhabi Police, noisy vehicles generate noise pollution and disturb other drivers. Driving noisy vehicles can distract other drivers, which can result in dangerous road accidents. Abu Dhabi Police has issued a warning against honking and excessive acceleration as such driving behavior can disrupt the smooth flow of traffic. Motorists have been advised not to use horns excessively and follow the decibel limit set by the traffic authorities.

Penalties for Driving a Noisy Vehicle

Motorists can face serious penalties for driving a noisy vehicle in line with Article 20 of the Federal Traffic Law. The penalties for driving a noisy vehicle include a fine of AED 2,000, 12 black points issued against the driving license of the offender and confiscation of the vehicle involved in the violation for 6 months.

These are serious penalties and motorists must avoid driving noisy vehicles to avoid these penalties. The driving license of a motorist can be suspended if the black points against it amount to 24, which means if a motorist is booked for driving a noisy vehicle twice, it can result in the suspension of driving license.


Driving a noisy vehicle causes both noise and air pollution, which is why it must be avoided at all costs. The distraction caused by noisy vehicles can cause dangerous road situations and disturb the smooth flow of traffic. Other drivers that get distracted by noisy vehicles can commit dangerous violations such as sudden swerving, tailgating and over-speeding, which can prove to have fatal consequences. It is important for motorists to follow traffic rules to avoid dangerous road situations and serious traffic penalties.

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