UAE bans smoking in cars

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UAE has some very strict rules and regulations regarding the promotion and sale of tobacco. These anti-tobacco laws were approved in August 2013, and are meant to protect the public health by the establishment of an efficient and strict national anti-tobacco campaign.

According to this new federal anti-tobacco law, a ban has been imposed on smoking in Dubai carsin the presence of a child who is younger than the age of 12 years. The main objective of the imposition of this law is to reduce, even eliminate the habit of smoking among young people. Studies that have been carried out in Abu Dhabi show that a large percentage of young people below the age of 18 are indulged in this bad habit. This new law also has imposed a ban on any sort of advertisements of tobacco products in television commercials, newspaper advertisements and even animations.

The tobacco products that will fail to fall in line with the UAE technical standards will also be facing a ban. An inability to follow these technical standards may result in a prison sentence of one year and a large amount of fine. All of the products that are somehow related to tobacco and smoking will also mention a big warning sign on their labels.

The law further states that no tobacco products are allowed to be sold anywhere near 100 meters of worship places, and 15 meters of schools, kindergartens, universities and colleges. Shisha cafes will not be allowed to operate near 150 meters of residential areas and will also be opened only for restricted hours.

This movement by the UAE authorities has been greatly appreciated by child safety experts, doctors and anti-tobacco campaigners. In their opinion, a national awareness campaign regarding the harmful effects of smoking will also help eradicate the act of smoking a great deal. Doctors term it as a move that aims at creating a generation that would not be incapacitated by the harmful influences of tobacco.

On the other hand, it is expected that UAE might be banning the act of smoking in cars completely, regardless of whether a child is present or not. Mohammad Al Zafeen, the head of the Federal Traffic Council intends to make this recommendation to the council. He also wishes to propose that a heavy fine be placed and penalties be suggested for the violators of this law.


According to his opinion, smoking in the cars is as dangerous as using mobile phones. Smoking also needs hands to be indulged while driving, similar to the usage of mobile phones. Smoking has also become a serious cause of accidents in UAE when the lit cigarette falls from the smoker’s hands while driving. This causes fatal accidents that endanger the life of the driver who is smoking as well as other people.

If this law is properly implemented, UAE will see a lot safer driving arena than it has been in the past. This law is meant to save several lives both on the road and off it.

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