There is amid expectation of an increase of the rate of sales growth during the current and the preceding year.
“GT – R” is the new sports launched in April. Take the Nissan GT – R, towards the further development of a new vision of progress in the style of 2014. The new model provides a higher level of luxury without compromising the performance of a sports car.
The selling of the Nissan GT – R 2014 model started in Japan on December 2, and will begin selling in April 2014 with distributors around the world after that date .
Nissan GT – R 2014 offers model with higher levels of comfort and sophistication, and establishes standards for advanced equipment and the final touches to the core “GT “, while offering strong performance and stable on the road. And multi-dimensional performance means that the driver will be able to deal with difficult turns on mountain roads or driving on the highway or on the streets of the city are more stable and the power, and more control.
It adds the Nissan GT – R Excellency to form the new exterior and interior, and offers elaborate performance to emphasize the continuity of the power of the brand of Nissan.
Also check out the Nissan GT – R acceleration and strong performance of the braking process with the tires with the road surface adhesion. It has been modified with suspension mechanism to ease the load fluctuation between the four wheels, giving better stability and digging more consistence, which is achieved with stable larger wheels through electronic control valves, as well as proportions of the springs installed and linking the new lining.
GT – R new standard Dunlop tires is equipped with Dunlop SP Sport Maxx GT 600 DSST CTT to achieve an exceptional level of stability and accurate response in all driving conditions.
As has been re- packaging process of braking to achieve a more robust response and straightness at speeds in normal everyday driving, reinforcing a sense of confidence and strengthens the braking, especially on wet roads.
The packaging has been re- routing mechanism to reduce the effort required on the internal roads, while maintaining access signals while driving at high speeds. The suspension gives the merger between the updated guidance and a high degree of confidence at high speeds.
The markets in the UAE have seen a boom in sales of sports cars and luxury during the first 9 months of the year.
According to the Officials agencies and the companies for the automotive industry UAE has topped the Middle East and North Africa in luxury car sales, according to sales during the first nine months of this year.
They said, on the sidelines of participating in the activities of the twelfth session of the exhibition «Dubai International Motor Show» in the Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai accounted for the bulk of sales of the luxury car segment in the third quarter of the year at the state level, and in the markets in the region for some types of cars.

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