Understanding How Cold Weather Affects the Fuel Economy of a Vehicle


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Fuel economy of combustion engine vehicles can reduce significantly during the winter season. Among the various factors that can cause a decrease in the fuel economy, enhanced air resistance is the most prominent one. The cold air is denser than the warm air, which causes a significant increase in the air resistance during the winter season. With fuel prices already on a high in the UAE and frequent fluctuations observed in the global crude oil prices, it is important for motorists to know ways that can help them reduce their fuel expense.

The understanding of fuel-saving practices can make life easier for motorists on a tight budget. Adjusting one’s driving style according to the weather, keeping a vehicle well-maintained and avoiding frequent road trips can help reduce fuel expense during the chilly weather conditions.

Reasons Behind Reduced Fuel Efficiency During the Winter Season

The cold weather can have adverse effects on the fuel efficiency of vehicles. Many different types of extreme weather conditions can be observed during the winter season in the UAE, which includes heavy rain, dense fog, thunderstorms and windstorms. Such weather conditions not only increase the commuting challenges for motorists but also mount the traveling costs due to enhanced fuel consumption.

Here are the five major reasons why fuel efficiency is affected during the winter season.

Increased Aerodynamic Resistance

This is arguably the most significant reason behind increased fuel costs during the winter season. An evident rise in the fuel expense can be observed during the winter season as the aerodynamic resistance increases significantly. According to an estimate, cold air is 11% denser than the warm air and the average wind speed is also higher during the winter season, which increases the air resistance. The most adverse effect of increased air resistance can be observed while driving on the highways where fuel consumption can increase by 1.3%.

Higher Electrical Loads

Driving in the winter season increases the loads on the electrical systems excluding the air conditioning system. This happens due to the rise in demand for heating, defrosting, heated seats, heated mirrors and interior lights. All the electrical systems obtain energy from the engine and their increased usage requires the engine to supply additional energy, which adversely affects fuel economy.

Extreme Weather Conditions

One of the major reasons behind increased fuel consumption during the winter season is inclement weather. Several different types of extreme weather conditions can be observed during the winter season including heavy rains, thunderstorms, dense fog and windstorms.

Heavy rains can lead to waterlogged roads, which can, in turn, increase the rolling resistance for tyres. Since tyres must push water on the ground with additional force, they have to generate more energy, which is provided by the engine.

The exact impact of the weather conditions on the fuel efficiency of a vehicle cannot be quantified as weather conditions continue to vary in different regions. According to an estimate, extreme weather conditions can increase fuel consumption by 7 to 35%.

Tyre Pressure Drops in Chilly Conditions

In chilly weather, the tyre pressure can drop significantly, which can increase the rolling resistance for tyres. With tyres needing more energy to move a vehicle forward, the engine consumes more fuel to provide maximum power to the tyres. This is the main reason why four-wheel-drive vehicles consume more fuel during the winter season than the two-wheel-drive vehicles.

How to Improve Fuel Economy During the Winter Season?

Fuel prices have been fluctuating for more than five years in the UAE, which has made it extremely difficult for motorists to manage their fuel expense. Extreme weather conditions, on the other hand, further make things worse for motorists on a tight budget who have to contend with increased fuel consumption, particularly during the winter season. It is, therefore, important for motorists to know how they can manage their fuel expense.

Here are the five tips that motorists can follow to improve the fuel economy of their vehicles during the winter season.

Monitor the Tyre Pressure Regularly

Motorists, particularly, the frequent travelers must check their vehicles’ tyre pressure on a daily basis during the winter season. As mentioned earlier, the tyre pressure can drastically drop during the winter season which can increase the fuel costs. Maintaining the tyre pressure according to the instructions mentioned in the car owner’s manual can help keep the fuel expense in check during the winter season.

Avoid Aggressive Driving

One of the best ways to improve the fuel economy of a vehicle is by driving at a moderate speed within the speed limits of a road. Aggressive driving elevates the fuel consumption of a vehicle as it increases the use of brakes and other mechanical systems. Avoiding aggressive driving not only helps in improving the fuel economy but also makes driving safer in challenging road situations.

Limit the Use of Electrical Systems

It can be ideal to avoid using electrical systems when it is not necessary. Limiting the use of the entertainment system, defrosters, heating system and interior lights can help reduce the fuel consumption of a vehicle.

Avoid Idling

Remote starting a vehicle or letting it run for a few minutes to warm up the engine is not recommended by the automotive experts. Idling of more than 30 seconds has no benefit and it only causes a significant increase in fuel consumption. According to an estimate, ten minutes of idling burns 0.25 to 0.50 litres of fuel. The best way to warm up your engine is by driving it for a few minutes.

Combine Your Trips

In place of frequent short trips for multiple errands, one should plan a long trip to complete all the errands. Multiple restarts of the engine can increase fuel consumption as the engine takes time to warm up every time, which can affect the fuel efficiency of the engine.


Driving in the winter season is always full of challenges in the UAE. Motorists have to cope with extreme weather conditions and increased fuel consumption during the winter season. At one side, motorists must drive carefully to avoid dangerous road situations during the winter season and on the other, they have to follow practices that can help them limit their fuel expense. While the weather conditions are in no one’s control, the fuel costs can be reduced significantly by following the aforementioned fuel-saving tips.

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