Understanding the Forward Collision Warning System for Cars

Forward Collision Warning System comes in all modern vehicle to ensure road safety

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Forward Collision Warning System (FWC) is one of the most recent car safety technologies helping avoid collision of vehicles on the road. Road accidents are never welcomed as they often lead to considerable life loss and damage to the vehicles. The most common type of accidents occurring on highways as well as on the busy roads within the city are the rear-end accidents. These accidents occur when the vehicle coming from behind collide into the vehicle ahead.  These accidents can happen due to numerous different reasons and have their varying impact based on the intensity of the collision. We shall shed light on all such reasons and tell you how the forward collision warning system in modern day vehicles works to uproot them.

Let’s first see all different scenarios which might lead to a rear-end accident.

Scenario No # 1 – Over-Speeding

Over-speeding is mostly the root-cause of some horrendous accidents across the roads. Measures have been taken to control the speed limits and fines have been imposed worldwide in this regard but still the road accidents caused by over-speeding do occur and lead to a potential loss. Rear-end accidents get caused by over-speeding especially on the highways when a driver slows down the speed suddenly and the speedy vehicle coming from the behind losses all the control and hits it.

Scenario No # 2 – Keeping less distance from the other cars

You must keep your car at a reasonable distance from the car ahead. What happens in a traffic rush is that vehicles collide into each other due to having no distance among them. The pace of all the cars on road keeps on varying and having no gap leads to hitting of vehicles from behind.

Scenario No # 3 – Distraction while driving

If you are to think of distractions while driving then you will find many. Losing your attention from driving can have deadly consequences. A lapse in attention even for a second or two can potentially strike your car into the car before you. The most dangerous distraction while driving these days is the use of mobile phones.

Accidents can be avoided with the Forward Collision Warning System

It was hard to find out an FCW (Forward Collision Warning) system few years back but now it’s a reality and will surely help in improving the state of road safety measures in coming years. The system performs its function in a very active manner and alerts the driver in case of getting too close to the vehicle in front. The system does it with the help of a loud sound that beeps continuously when the danger of collision is detected. The warnings system allows an average 3 seconds to react and put your foot on the brakes.

Mechanism of the FCW System

The FCW system works in a very systematic way and stops the driver from bumping into the vehicles ahead. Following is the schematic analysis of the functioning of this warning system:

  • It analyzes the speed of the host car, the relative speed and acceleration of the car in front
  • The warning lights and images turn on if the collision is detected
  • The warning increases as the distance lower
  • If the car in front is stationary, the system calculates the speed of the car and distance decreasing and alerts the driver with the warning.
  • If the vehicle ahead has brakes in action, the system takes the brake light at the rear as the warning indicator and alerts the driver. In this case, the Forward Collision Warning (FCW) system allows 7 seconds to the driver to react and the times to react increases further if the driver is already applying the brakes.

Forward Collision Warning System getting advance by Auto Brake Support system

Impact of the Forward Collision System on Road Safety

The impact of this warning system is large as it does not only save drivers from serious accidents but also helps in continuing a regular flow of the traffic. At this point, this forward collision warning system is not made the standard for all modern day cars and only exists in few cars. This technology can be installed in the cars lacking it as many companies for car accessories are bringing their own forward collision warning systems into the market. Other than this forward collision warning systems, the automobile authorities worldwide are bringing other technologies into perspective as well. Auto Brakes System is another car safety technology in contention for upcoming cars. The ultimate emphasis of the stakeholders is to enhance the safety measures in modern day cars so that they avoid fatal accidents on roads.

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