Understanding Why Trade-ins are Not the Ideal Option


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Selling a used vehicle in the UAE’s vast market can be a daunting task. A seller needs to be smart, sharp, and ready to make decisions quickly. There are many challenges associated with selling a car such as difficulty in finding a serious buyer, risk of financial loss, handling the paperwork and determining the resale value of the car. If sellers don’t choose the right platform to sell their used car, the process can become risky, tiresome and frustrating. To avoid the struggles of selling a car on their own, many sellers opt for the services of the dealership.

Selling a vehicle to a dealer is one of the most popular ways to sell a used car in the UAE. It is a quick and easy option as compared to selling a car privately. However, there are many drawbacks of selling a car to a dealership that can result in a lot of stress and financial loss for the seller. While selling a car to a dealer may seem appealing at first, there are significant risks involved in selling a car to a dealer.

Given below are some of the main challenges of selling your used vehicle to a dealer.

Risk of a Financial Loss

One of the biggest disadvantages of selling a car to a dealership is the risk of incurring a serious monetary loss. Dealers are highly trained professionals who are adept at negotiation skills. Therefore, they are notorious for offering lower market prices for vehicles. With a lot more experience in the field, they are easily able to convince the sellers to settle for a lower than market price for their vehicle. As a result, there is a significant financial loss for the seller when they opt for a dealership to sell their used vehicle.

Also read: A Beginner’s Guide for Selling a Used Car in the UAE

Trade-in Options are not Beneficial for Car Owners

Another way that dealers try to maximise their profit is by offering a “trade-in” option to the seller. A trade-in refers to exchanging a new vehicle with an old one by settling the difference between the two payments. The value of the used vehicle is used as a down payment for the purchase of the new car and the customer has to pay off what is left. However, this is certainly the least favorable option for the seller if they want to get the best value for their used vehicle. This option will get the buyer the least amount of money as the dealers tend to maximise their gains by maintaining an upper hand in one of the two transactions. The dealer either offers you a better price for your used car with a lesser discount on the new car or a better discount on the new car with a lower offer for your used car. Both “deals” are the same and are a one big profitable transaction for the dealer only.

Sellers should always assure that these two transactions are separated, i.e., selling their used car and purchasing a new car. Doing so will ensure that they sell their used car at the best resale price while still being able to negotiate for a better discount on the new car.

Also read: Understanding What Can be a Smart Alternative to Trade-ins in the UAE

Dealers Charge Car Evaluation Fees

One of the most important parts of the car selling process is determining its resale price. Not only do dealerships provide lower market prices for the vehicles but they also charge evaluation fees to determine the resale price of the vehicle. The seller will have to pay car evaluation fees and may feel obligated to sell their vehicle to the dealer for a quick and convenient process.

The ideal way to determine the resale value of your car is through a specialist car buying company. Specialist car buying companies offer a professional car evaluation by trained automobile experts. Some specialist car buying companies will also determine a fair resale price of the vehicle for free, among many other benefits.

Reject to Buy Various Models

Another drawback of selling a car to a dealer is that many dealers prefer to buy cars of specific brands only. So, if a seller wants to sell a car of a particular brand or model, the dealer may reject buying the car altogether. If the seller has a car that doesn’t fall in the dealer’s preferred car brand category, they wouldn’t be able to sell their car at a dealership.

Specialist Car Buying Companies Are the Ideal Way to Sell a Used Car

Specialist car buying companies offer the best solutions to the challenges associated with selling a car to a dealership. These companies offer a guaranteed purchase of the vehicle regardless of its brand, make, model and condition. They have the most reliable and trustworthy car buying service that makes it a pleasant experience for all parties involved. Moreover, specialist car buying companies have a comprehensive and detailed car evaluation process that enables the sellers to sell their used vehicle at a fair and realistic price.

SellAnyCar.com Offers a Hassle-free Way to Sell Any Car in the UAE

SellAnyCar.com is a premium car buying company in the UAE that makes it easier for car sellers to sell their used cars without any hassle while minimising the risk of any financial loss. The car selling process starts with free evaluation of the vehicle through the company’s online car valuation tool. The online car valuation tool generates the potential market value of the vehicle based on the car’s make, model and year. After the online car valuation, sellers need to book an appointment for the on-site inspection of the vehicle by the automobile experts of the company. 

A team of experts evaluates the resale price of the vehicle and offers a final price to the car seller. If the seller likes the price, they can sell the vehicle to the company, however, if the seller doesn’t want to sell the vehicle at the offered price, they are not obligated to pay any fees for the car evaluation services provided by the company.

If the seller agrees to sell the vehicle, a sales agreement is signed between the company and car owner while SellAnyCar.com’s team completes the post-sale paperwork. The payment against the value of the vehicle is made through electronic bank transfer. In this way, you can sell your car in a safe, secure and hassle-free manner to SellAnyCar.com.

If you are looking to sell your used car to buy a new one with advanced safety features and improved performance, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by SellAnyCar.com’s team.

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