Updated Parking Rules and Fines Announced in Abu Dhabi

Modified Parking Rules and Fines Announced in Abu Dhabi

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The Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport (DMAT) announced new changes in the parking regulations and fines on Saturday, 11 Feb 2017. Some new regulations have been introduced while some of the existing fines on parking violations have been reduced. The initiative is taken to make car parking system in Abu Dhabi better than before and facilitate the motorists.

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Two New Parking Violations Identified

The new changes in the parking regulations have resulted in the reduction of several existing fines and identification of two new parking violations. The announcement about the changes was made by the Director of the Abu Dhabi’s Parking Division (Mawaqif), Mohammad Hamad Al Muhairi on Saturday. According to him, there will be a new violation which will reprimand the motorists with fake parking tickets or permits. The fine for this violation will be Dh10,000. Another new offence has been identified that refers to non-payment of previous parking fines. The penalty introduced for this particular offence will be Dh1,000.

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Decrease In Fines for Parking Violations

According to new changes made to the parking regulations, fines for a number of violations have been reduced. The decision of decreasing fines on certain violations has been made to facilitate the motorists and release the extra pressure of heavy parking fines on them.

According to the changes made to parking fines:

  • The fine for covering space of two vehicles while parking has been reduced from Dh300 to Dh200.
  • The fine for illegal parking in the residential areas has been decreased from Dh500 to Dh200. In this case, the towing of cars will only take place after four hours of the issuance of the ticket.
  • The fine for parking in unauthorized bus and taxi bays has been reduced to Dh500 from Dh1,000.
  • The fine for using the wrong parking ticket which does not belong to a specific parking area has been decreased from Dh200 to Dh100.

Other Parking Violations not affected

Fines for several other parking violations remained the same. Some of the significant traffic violations which didn’t receive a change in fines were following:

  • Parking a car illegally in front of a fire inlet.
  • Parking a car in the space specified for people with special needs.
  • Towing criterion for vehicles parked in a particular parking area for more than three days.

Motorists have been advised to comply with the latest changes made to the parking violations and regulations. The whole initiative reflects the measures taken by authorities to make parking of cars a stress-free job in Abu Dhabi.

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