Weekly Car Maintenance Guide

SellAnyCar's weekly car maintenance guide

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The frequent car maintenance ensures the smooth functioning of a car. The car maintenance on daily basis and after every week helps to improve the performance of a vehicle and identifies any possible problem in its functioning.

Following are the key areas of frequent maintenance of the cars.

Indicator Lights

Check all indicator lights to make sure that they are working fine. Modern cars have at least 6 indicator lights, that is, 2 lights at front, 2 lights at the rear end and 2 lights on the left and right side of the car.

Check car indicators

Dashboard Lights

Pay attention to the dashboard lights, most of the lights turn off when the car starts. For example, the Engine Check light should turn off once the car is started. If for any reason the engine check light doesn’t turn off then you should get your car checked by a professional. If you are unaware of the functioning of lights, you can read about it in the car information manual.

check dashboard lights working

Tyre Pressure & Tread Condition

Low tyre pressure can cause early wear and tear of the tyre tread while tyres with poor tread condition can be fatal at high speed. In fact, tyre pressure should be checked whenever you decide to drive your car. You can get to know about the right time of changing car tyres by checking the tyre tread depth using penny test.

Check the tyre tread by penny test

Washing Fluid of the Windshield

During rainy and dusty season, it is important that you keep your car’s wind screen clean. For this reason, you must check the washing liquid’s level frequently.

check windshield washer fluid regularly

Radiator Water level

This can be checked on a fortnightly basis during the winter season but during the summer season this should be checked on a daily to weekly basis depending on the condition of the car.

  • Note: Never remove the radiator cap when the engine is hot! Ideal time to check the radiator water level is in the morning before you start the car.

check radiator water level

Also read: Maintenance Tips to Protect your Car from the UAE’s Summer Heat

Parking Lights

The Front and Rear Parking Lights must be checked frequently for their proper functioning as they have a role to play whenever you park a vehicle. You can easily monitor the parking lights in your everyday use of the car. If both or one of them does not work, you need to contact a car mechanic for repair work.

car parking lights


The low and high beam of the headlights of the car must be in order to drive safely. You can inspect the headlights every time you drive in the night or in the fog and get it checked if you find a problem with its functioning.

Car headlights must be checked regularly

Brake Lights

Brake lights are very important whether driving in city or on highways. They must always be in perfect shape to indicate others when brakes are applied. The right, left and central brake lights must be checked on frequent basis to ensure they are working.

Brake lights

The maintenance cost of an old car can prove to be very expensive as ageing of a car makes most of its vital parts and accessories vulnerable to wear and tear. If you feel, you are not able to manage your monthly budget due to high costs of repair and maintenance of your car then it’s high time to sell it and buy a new one.

SellAnyCar.com buys any car in any condition in just 30 minutes time even if the car is a non-runner. Bring your damaged / wrecked / non-runner car to us and we promise to buy it at a fair price.

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